LEANSTACK Certified Mentor

Martina Goss
Martina Goss
Bring your ideas to life


Mentor Workshop - Completed December 2018
Mentor Workshop - Completed December 2019
Mentor Workshop - Completed December 2020
Mentor Workshop - Completed May 2023
Mentor Workshop - Completed September 2023


Trying to navigate the early stages of a start-up and the world of business can feel daunting - but there is a simple way.

 Using LEANSTACKs Continuous Innovation Framework, and my background in finance, I assist and support startups to navigate the early stages of their start up journey.

I am both a Certified Level 2 LEANSTACK coach and a qualified Chartered Accountant. I previously managed one of Irelands most renowned government funded start up programmes for innovative start ups - across two campuses, to include one of Irelands leading Universities. During this period I worked closely with Ash Maurya to implement, roll out and coach up to 50 ambitious and innovative technology, manufacturing and research start ups per year using LEANSTACKS Continuous Innovation Framework.

Prior to this, I spent nearly 20 years working as a Chartered Accountant in both client facing roles, as an auditor and advisor; in addition to managing and leading finance departments within companies in a wide range of industries - assisting them to grow, succeed and achieve results.

