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Learn battle-tested recipes for coaching early-stage teams.

Coaching Lean Meta-skills (CLM) is a free email course for consultants, mentors,  educators, and product managers that teaches you how to drive breakthrough innovation with early-stage products teams.

    You'll receive one short email every three days for a month. You can unsubscribe anytime.

    “Your weekly insights have become a cornerstone of my practice, and the wait for each new post feels like an eternity.”
    Moustafa Osman, Program Manager Black Business Ventures Association

    Coaching Lean Meta-skills (CLM): A new email course by Ash Maurya

    The Innovator's Bias (love for solution) is immune to lecture. Getting early-stage teams to focus on problems before solutions is the key mindset shift for breakthrough innovation. The challenge to adoption isn't a lack of knowledge or motivation, but getting founders to overcome old habits of working and install new ones. This requires a different approach.

    Coaching for behavior change. Anyone can give advice. Coaching for transformation is much harder. I have spent the last decade studying founder anxieties and biases and developed a set of coaching meta-skills built on behavior design principles.

    This course will teach you my 10 Coaching Lean Meta-skills, like first-principles in science, that serve as the building blocks for driving breakthrough innovation with early-stage product teams.

    Drive breakthrough innovation with proven strategies and battle-tested recipes

    • 11 email lessons.
      Step-by-step breakdowns of how to coach teams.
    • Hands-on tools - Lean Canvas.
      Everything you need to put the concepts you learn into practice.
    • Real-world case-studies.
      Along the way, I'll share real-world stories from the trenches.

      About Ash Maurya

      Ash Maurya is the author of two bestselling books Running Lean and Scaling Lean, and is also the creator of the highly popular one-page business modeling tool Lean Canvas.

      Ash is praised for offering some of the best and most practical advice for entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs all over the world. His articles and advice have been featured in Inc. Magazine, Forbes, and Fortune. He serves as a mentor to several accelerators including TechStars, MaRS, Capital Factory, and guest lecturers at several universities including MIT, Harvard, and UT Austin.

      How is this course different from Running Lean?

      CLM builds upon the ideas in Running Lean. The expectation is that most people who take this course will have read (or are reading) the book.

      That said, you don’t need the book to successfully complete the course.

      Running Lean is often described as the most actionable step-by-step how-to book for building and launching a new product.

      CLM was designed for consultants, mentors, and educators charged with leading teams to implement the ideas in Running Lean. While the core principles in the book are easy to understand, putting them into practice is hard.

      Get a sneak peek at the course outline

      Week 1

      • Introduction
        The Real Challenge
      • Lesson 1
        Coaching Versus Advising
      • Lesson 2
        Discover How Teams Think
      • Lesson 3
        Expose the One Constraint

      Week 2

      • Lesson 4
        Formulate a Validation Strategy
      • Lesson 5
        Balance Needs and Wants
      • Lesson 6
        Secure Commitment to One Next Action

      Week 3

      • Lesson 7
        The Follow-Through
      • Lesson 8
        Stack Reward Loops
      • Lesson 9
        Tough Love

      Week 4

      • Lesson 10
        Invest in Team Learning
      • Lesson 11
        What's Next - The Path to Mastery

      Enroll in Ash Maurya's Coaching Lean Meta-skills (CLM) course now