Looking for founder tools - Lean Canvas, Traction Roadmap, or Customer Forces? Check out our new LEANFoundry site.


Systematically coach your early-stage teams to product/market fit.

Hands-on training for educators, mentors, and consultants on the Continuous Innovation Framework.

"One of the best training I have been on in years."
Mark Channon
Productivity Coach, Prime Focus Productivity

Who's It For?

These workshops are designed for educators, mentors, and consultants who want to level up their coaching meta-skills.

  • Educators who want to incorporate Running Lean and the Lean Canvas methodology into their entrepreneurship course.
  • Mentors at corporate incubators and startup accelerators who want to raise the quality of entrepreneurs that enter and leave their programs.
  • Consultants who want to drive greater business results for their clients in their new and/or existing products.

What You'll Learn

The biggest obstacle to getting entrepreneurs to practice continuous innovation is overcoming old habits. You’ll learn how to trigger mindset shift by working from the inside out — starting with mindset shifts, then teaching skills, and finally delivering business model outcomes using our playbooks.

We go beyond the basics and teach you tactical techniques and common patterns you can use for coaching teams. These were developed through thousands of coaching hours.

You'll learn battle-tested patterns and coaching systems for putting the Continuous Innovation Framework to practice at various stages of the innovation funnel whether at a startup accelerator, corporate innovation lab, or a university classroom.

A Select Group

We certify only a select number of coaches each year.

Our certified coach network is made up of practicing entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs, educators, and mentors that span the globe. These coaches drive innovation at many of the top universities, accelerators, and organizations around the world.

Thousands of startups, accelerators, and universities use our playbooks to drive breakthrough innovation.

Practice Trumps Theory

To date, we have put over 100,000+ teams through our playbooks spanning over 20 countries. This is the learning flywheel that helps us continuously evolve our battle-tested playbooks. But that's not what makes us different. What sets us apart is that we are first and foremost practicing entrepreneurs.

The Continuous Innovation Framework was built by entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs and it shows.

Entrepreneurship is like a martial art. You can't simply read or teach it, you have to live it. We practice what we teach and the more we coach, the more we learn and share, the better results everyone gets.

Certification Path

A LEANSTACK Certified Coach can consult with individual businesses to help them implement Continuous Innovation principles and create an innovation process that works. LEANSTACK supports these Coaches with immersive hands-on training, a license to use our platform, and a coach academy.

Upcoming Level 1 Workshops

Coaching Lean - Level 1 - Nov 2024

Learn battle-tested recipes, techniques, and validation patterns for stress-testing early stage business models.

Virtual -- Remote via Zoom
Thu, Nov 7, 14, 21, 2024 - Thu, Dec 5, 2024 (4 Thursdays)
Delivered over 4 weekly workshops from 9:00AM - 12:30PM CST

Coaching Lean - Level 1 - Jan 2025

Learn battle-tested recipes, techniques, and validation patterns for stress-testing early stage business models.

Virtual -- Remote via Zoom
Thu, Jan 9 2024 - Thu, Jan 30, 2024 (4 Thursdays)
Delivered over 4 weekly workshops from 9:00AM - 12:30PM CST

Upcoming Level 2 Workshops

Level 1 certification is a pre-requisite for Level 2 training.

Coaching Lean Level 2 Certification - February 2025

Learn battle-tested recipes, techniques, and validation patterns for demonstrating demand (early traction) for a product before building it.

Virtual -- Remote via Zoom
Thu, Feb 6, 2024 - Thu, Feb 27, 2024 (4 Thursdays)
Delivered over 4 weekly workshops from 9:00AM - 12:30PM CST

Upcoming Level 3 Workshops

Level 2 certification is a pre-requisite for Level 3 training.

Coaching Lean Level 3 Certification - March 2025

Coaching the Value Delivery Playbook.

Virtual -- Remote via Zoom
Thu, Mar 6, 2024 - Thu, Mar 27, 2025 (4 Thursdays)
Delivered over 4 weekly workshops from 9:00AM - 12:30PM CST